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The Password Game

The Password Game is a puzzle game in which players must create a password that meets all 35 unusual and complicated rules in the game.

How to play The Password Game

First, enter any password that you can think of.

Next, a rule will appear and you need to enter a new password that complies with that rule.

Keep on that process until you fulfill all of the rules and type the password correctly.

After you follow all of the rules, the game will ask you if this is your final password. This time, you have to write down your password before confirming. Because you will have 2 minutes to enter your exact password.

You have to manually type it because if you copy and paste or if you fail, the game is over and you will have to start all over again.

Password rules

There is a wide range of rules and they will gradually become more complicated and unusual as you progress. For example, it can require you to add emojis, and Roman numerals, adjust font types, and more.

Forget your simple passwords, this game really takes the password concept to a whole new level.

At the beginning phase of the game, you might think the game is simple. But it will become more challenging after some first rules.

Category and Tags

Wordle Gamesguess the password gamepassword game

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