
Share Hoop Grids

Hoop Grids

Hoop Grids is a game that challenges your knowledge of basketball players and their accomplishments. The game is played on a grid, with each cell containing a criteria qualification. Your goal is to select a player for each cell that matches the criteria for that cell's row and column.

What is Hoop Grids?

One of the best things about Hoop Grids is that there is no limit to the number of guesses you can make. If you submit a player for a grid and want to change your choice, you can do so by clicking the cell again. However, once the grid has been completely filled, you cannot resubmit any players.

Team & Team

To qualify for a 'Team & Team' cell, a player must have recorded at least 1 Regular Season Game with each team. It does not have to be the same season. This criteria challenges your knowledge of players who have played for multiple teams throughout their career.

Teammate/Coach & Team

For a player to qualify for a 'Teammate/Coach & Team' cell, that player must have recorded at least 1 Regular Season Game with the team, and 1 Regular Season Game with the teammate/coach. It does not have to be the same season. This criteria challenges your knowledge of player-coach or player-teammate relationships.

Teammate/Coach & Stat/Accolade

For a player to qualify for a 'Teammate/Coach & Stat/Accolade' cell, that player must have recorded at least 1 Regular Season Game with the teammate/coach and qualify for the stat/accolade. It does not have to be the same season regardless if the Stat/Accolade is Career or Season. This criteria challenges your knowledge of players who have achieved certain accolades while playing with specific teammates or coaches.


If the stat/accolade is based on Season, they must qualify in ANY single season in their career. It does not have to be on that team. If the stat/accolade is based on Career, they do not have to qualify in the same season as playing for the team. This criteria challenges your knowledge of players who have achieved certain stats or accolades throughout their career.


Overall, Hoop Grids is a fun and challenging game that tests your knowledge of basketball players and their accomplishments. So, put your basketball knowledge to the test and see how many grids you can fill with the right players!

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hoop grids nbahoop grids unlimitedsports game

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