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Songless transcends the boundaries of a simple game and becomes a wonderful symphony combining language, music and difficult puzzles. This unique experience challenges players to combine their cognitive abilities with their creative instincts.

Songless - A Simple Idea 

Basically, Songless revolves around a simple idea: guessing song titles through short clips. You will have a total of 6 guesses, corresponding to 6 times listening to the song's segments. The best person is the one who can guess the song name in the first seconds, do you think you can do it?

The attractiveness of this game kiss

However, it is within this seemingly straightforward foundation that the game truly shines, offering a captivating array of songs that mesmerize and engage players on a deep emotional level.

In Songless, there are no restrictions on the number of times you can play in a day. This allows you to practice your song recognition skills at any time and from anywhere. Don't miss the opportunity to invite your friends and engage in friendly competition to determine who can identify the most songs in the shortest amount of time. Let the excitement of guessing melodies bring you all together in an exhilarating musical challenge.

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